Adopt a Penguin
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Sponsor a puppy and receive
- A Welcome Letter
- An Endangered Galapagos Fact Sheet
- A Penguin Facts & Figures Infographic
- A Galapagos Penguins Leaflet
- A Galapagos Island Map
- A Penguin Postcard
udopt'r choice
I am the only species of penguin that can be found North of the equator. This is because the cool waters of the ocean currents that pass-through Galapagos allow me to survive despite the tropical latitude. I am an endangered species and my numbers are critically low and my species is on the brink of extinction. By adopting me and helping fund Galapagos Conservation Trust you will be helping me and the unique ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands.
udopt it because
- The Galapagos population underwent an alarming decline of 70 per cent during the 80’s and needs your help to recover.
- Global warming induced weather effects have reduced the availability of the fish they feed on.
- Oil pollution and illegal fishing illegal fishing do not help with the recovery of the species.
Adopt a Penguin Gallery
Galapagos Conservation Trust Information
https://galapagosconservation.org.ukRegistered charity no. 1043470
Delivery information
Next day delivery to ensure you get your gifts fast.
Did you know?
- With a population of just 1,500 the Galapagos penguin is the rarest of all penguin species on the planet.
- Following mating female penguins lay 2 eggs and both mother and father participate in the 40-day incubation period.
- After hatching, both parents also provide food for the chicks and after 30 days the chicks develop sun-protective feathers that fully fledge by 65 days.
- Between 3 to 6 months after hatching Galapagos penguins are ready to leave the nest.
- In the wild, Galapagos penguins have a lifespan of between 15 to 20 years.