Check Out This Video Of A Lion Charging At A Group Of Tourists At Kruger National Park
A group of tourists that were out on a walking safari at Kruger National Park in South Africa had an extremely scary moment when a male lion charged them prompting one member of the group to take evasive action. Two of the tourists Angelo and Huelwen said they were accompanied by two guides who were extremely knowledgeable. The male lion started off by running towards the group and then made a stop. He then looked back at the lioness and then proceeded to make a full charge.
“Come on, my boy,” the guide said to the charging lion. “Hey!”
Fortunately for everyone concerned, the lion stopped charging at the group and began to retreat which meant there was no need for the guide to use the gun he was holding. The guide said that the two lions had been mating in the bush and had been disturbed by the group which resulted in the mock charge.