Watch This Lion Bite A Tourist Car Causing Its Tire To Explode
Sean Obeirne and his family were touring South Africa’s Kruger National Park and were on their way to have breakfast when they chanced upon a pride of lions that seemed to be chilling out by the side of the road. They stopped to watch the lions and after about half an hour a young male lion decided to pay another group of tourists a visit and approached their car. The family made jokes about the incident, that the lion would in some way damage the car. Neither they nor the lion were prepared for what happened next.
Curiosity kills the cat
They say curiosity kills the cat. If you watch the video, you will see the lion biting the tire causing it to explode giving everyone including the lion a real fright. Mr Obeirne says it took them a second to realise what had happened before the laughter began to kick in and only after their bellies began to ache from the laughter did they realise that perhaps it wasn’t quite as funny for the occupants of the vehicle that had been affected. Fortunately for them, the Obeirne family offered a helping hand and helped to fix the blown tire, they just did it as far away from the lions as possible!